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———— Don’t show anyone anything until it is diamondlike. Look around. We’ve got a relucent diamondback’d illusion everywhere. No dents in it. Don’t show anyone anything until everything is imperfectly pearlescent. Don’t show anyone anything until all of anything of what one does for anyone is done beyond the exquisite. Is more than well and fine. Don’t make the easiest early mistake of asking what is good for anyone either. Choose yourself. Choosing yourself means you must take and choose your own taste. Own it. Owning yourself is the work’s foundation. Own yourself until the work that one does for anyone is done so that what is done is one with what is done so well that what is done is done and made to make what is done seem and feel like it was easy to make it look easy. Easier than a winning scintillation of a symbolically illuminable doubleU coming together in a curselesskarmiccursiveingot. A sign that says when one learns how discretion is the better part of valor, then there is

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