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———— The most Viking thing about him is he named the fictional capital city in his current novel, Atlantis. UFO thoughtsubmarines and all. Easy to overlook, how a modern Atlantis would look just like this text, easily used in a text bubble if one thumbs it as such. That’s not it. Atlantis comes with a universe of assumption. The next most Viking thing is the drive. No question. Unthinking impulse returns reformed in the unrelenting overrefinement whether or not he plans on producing through the sheer punctuation timing up how he has to hammer away until he masons this mansion to the tune of If he doesn’t use the drive he lives in a lonely raging wasteland, good luck to the waistline, there’s no predicting his disinterest in anything but celestial navigation and saying, this is going to be different, means less. How does he decorate the disease of his discomfort? He unfurls his best red flag when he lusts for power. Not really. But to exaggerate once more? He’s unstoppable when

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